Nederlandse Stichting Helpen met Paarden – Equitherapie

Allocation of trainings hours

Allocation of hours

A total of 600 training hours are required before the diploma can be awarded by SHP-E(NL). These are allocated as follows:






To take place during




Introductory workshop

Workshop theory practice

Course introduction

What can I expect, what is expected of me?


Foundation course 1st phase


Course hours and supervision within the 9 weekend modules


Acquiring knowledge


Putting into practice

Personal process

Contact with equitherapists

Group dynamics


Exam modules


Supervision and evaluation, learning process based on exam modules


What have I learnt, what do I still need to learn? Overview of first year


Practical project 1st phase

 To be performed at student's own discretion with intervision partner.

 Supervision and support during foundation course

Independently prepare, implement and evaluate a short course of equitherapy with horse and client based on first year of training


Assignments and exercises

To be performed at student's own discretion with intervision partner.

 Support during foundation course

Integration of knowledge and reading into own system, examination of personal and group dynamics. Where can improvements be made?


Foundation course 2nd phase


Course hours and supervision within the 9 weekend modules


As in the first year, but now based on chosen specialisation and working practice and incorporating own integrative method of equitherapy.


Exam modules


Supervision and evaluation with exam module


Do[U.T.2]  I know enough and am I sufficiently prepared and capable of working independently with horse and client?

Where do I stand after 2 years of training and where would I like to be?




Practical project 2nd phase


To be performed at student's own discretion with intervision partner


As in the first year but now based on the requirements of the second year. Integration of supervision and intervision in personal therapy concept


Practical project, training


To be performed at student's own discretion with intervision partner


Gaining inspiration from the work of experienced colleagues and learning from peer-assisted intervision exercises


Assignments and intervision


To be performed at student's own discretion with intervision partner


As in the first year but based more on specialisation and cooperation with colleagues and other disciplines


Extra riding modules


4 day modules which must be completed during the two-year training course


Topping up the riding diploma with subjects that have not been covered there but which are important for equitherapists.


Riding diploma, vaulting, basic riding course for equitherapists


At least 8 training days with exercises and practical sessions at a vaulting club. On completion of course students receive a KNHS[1]  diploma.


Ability to train and instruct the therapy horse responsibly and to work with riders and vaulters in accordance with training methods and systematic movement theory





Independent study and time-tabled hours