Find here all official mailings from the coordinator group Data Collection
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
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ulrike thiel
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dear colleaques,
I am very sorry, that you did not hear from me before and that I had to cancel the proposed skype on wensday. This had to do with the circomstances I was cinfroonted during the past days which nmade it necessary to reorganize a lot in order to make everything possible for my work for LDV I promised to do. i am in slovakia and have internet access again after 4 very unfortunate days.
in order to can keep the appointment on saturday for our data collection meeting i had to go first to vienna to my very ill mother who had fainted at home and was brought to the hospital in the time when we were in Poland. I stayed in her flat which had to be broken open in order to bring her to hospital and you can emagine that there were a lot of things to organize. I had my computer with me and had bought a mobile internet USB, but when using it it turned out that for just loading up gmail or Google Docs they took 60 euro from my credit card. so I tried to find other sollutions and did not succeed to build up a stabile internet connection. over day I had a lot of things to do for my mother and during the night
I was not able to finish all the formd i wanted to send to you before wensday, because i could not get access to internet . so i phoned Ivana and asked her to tell you to cancel the skype yesterday and to postpone the introduction of all our data collection staff to the meeting on saturday. Yesterday Ivana and I went through all the forms. a lot of the material from colleaques and partners I only got at last sunday so I already have collected all the submissions of ldv for definitins and data collecrtion and we devided the tasks to bring everything into the existing forms till friday night so that i can take everything with me on zaterday to our meeting
It is not very handy that after all only 3 partners will be there, because it is the meeting to inform you about all we did and to introduce all the tools we developed in the meantime. So I proposed to have a skype configuration during the meeting to have the missing partners per skype there in order fto submit them with all informations.
Action list
Please tell me stephanie, stana and veronika if you will be able to join us on skype in the late morning of saturday at our meeting in France.
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
ULrike THiel
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Please react all
Last Skype conference befgore meeong
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Skype conference Data collection 28 9 2011 Ivana Stana ULrike Not present Stephanie Fabienne Short notes sent by mail to all participants LDV Group Data Collectio Dear Colleagues, Unfortunately we could noit have our planned skype conference yesterday. Ivana has informed you about the content of this skype conference, so that you know again what is going on. But we really need a comference begfore the meeting in order to go through all the forms developed and the points weghave done till the conference and with the survey and other forms of Data collection Here the report of IVANA from skype yesterday Because we meet only 3 persons (Ulrike, Stana, Ivana), we had to change our program. Ulrike with her student prepared on Google docs new version of questionnaire, in this time in Dutch, but on Friday it should be translated. On Friday or Saturday Ulrike will send us link on this questionnaire, that all members of DC can look on it and think about , if everyone agrees with Google docs, to whom will be sent results from participants and who will analyse them. Further all members have to think about questions and answers for them. (Every country can decide to add some other answer- posibilities, depending on answers got in the last questionnaire.) Our task now is to decide date, where all Data Collection members can join and solve any emerged problems in technical direction with questionnaire in Google docs. The date should be before the meeting in the Netherland. After the meeting we can solve any problem with questions. For me it is possible to have skype from monday to thursday - all days I have free evenings. I propose 20.00, but I am open to other possibilities.
Action list
I suggest fior skype the following week monday 3rt october 21.00 o clock FRom Fabienne I want to know if the Belgium colleagues have suceded to find a French member for Data collection? Otherwise we have to do something on that point before the meeting in the Netherlands Pleas look the homepage and links on our Data colection homepage through. I sent you the links per normal mail and if you need help I can guide you through by skype At the skypoe conference we can talk about this homepage and wishes you still have for it. Further we have to prepare as a group for the meeting in the Netherlands. Please Belgium colleagues dont forget to register for the meeting with the registraton form and pleas fill in the evaluation form we need for preparitiion of opur meeting Thanks and till the skype on 3rd of october ULrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
ULrike THiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495 453757
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Important information
Skype conference 28th september 21.oo
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Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV Name * Ulrike THiel E-mail * Phone * 0031 495 4537 57 Date of submission * 26-09-11 Type of contribution * Please react all namely Skype conference 28th of september 21.00 In my last e-mail I made a fault with the date. Here the correct date of the skype conference Dear Colleagues, Herewith I want to invite you for the sklype conference Data Collection on september 28th 21.00 o clock\ I am happy to can inform you about the work that has been done since our last meeting. Wa have to talk over the evaluation form i constructed and the survey we prepared already very far. Further there are submission lists for contacts and for loiterature which we want to present at the following meeting. All forms and notes we have at the moment you can find on the english homepage of Those of you who dont have acces yet please register there. If you need help, plkease let me know. I hope that everyone of you has had a look to our homepage on www.equitherapie org and has comments and ideas for imporvement till our meeting in october.
Action list
Action list Have a look at our Data Collection page on and the evaluation form. You can copy the following link into internet explorerer For the evaluation form it is: Pleas let me know who will be there at the skype. It is important to prepare us for the meeting in october!!!!! Regards Ulrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike THiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495453757
Date of submission *
Type of contribution *
Just read and keep in mind
Lorenzo has reacted on the evaluation fo
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Dear Colleagues, I just got the message that Lorenzo has reacted on the evaluation form. This means that he still has access to all LDV data. He has reacted as official stakeholder of Spain and here some of his comment. Lorenzo I criticized Marguerite for not having made Ulrike shut up. I agree with Marguerite on all the line. I think that her work is disturbed by the activity of Ulrike trying to demonstrate that Marguerite is bad. I really think that he has to be excluded from our officila mailings because he stays involved and destructive involved. What is your opinion. It is not that he is attacking me but I dont think it is good for our project if we cannot use our communication linses without hem being active in them as not official member thinking that he is an official member. This complicates the situation enourmeousely. Should we talkt about it at the skype conference tomorrow? Regards Ulrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike THiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495453757
Date of submission *
Type of contribution *
Just read and keep in mind
Lorenzo has reacted on the evaluation fo
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Dear Colleagues, I just got the message that Lorenzo has reacted on the evaluation form. This means that he still has access to all LDV data. He has reacted as official stakeholder of Spain and here some of his comment. Lorenzo I criticized Marguerite for not having made Ulrike shut up. I agree with Marguerite on all the line. I think that her work is disturbed by the activity of Ulrike trying to demonstrate that Marguerite is bad. I really think that he has to be excluded from our officila mailings because he stays involved and destructive involved. What is your opinion. It is not that he is attacking me but I dont think it is good for our project if we cannot use our communication linses without hem being active in them as not official member thinking that he is an official member. This complicates the situation enourmeousely. Should we talkt about it at the skype conference tomorrow? Regards Ulrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike THiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495 4537 57
Date of submission *
Type of contribution *
Please react all
Skype conference 28th of september 21.00
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Dear Colleagues, Herewith I want to invite you for the sklype conference Data Collection on september 21st 21.00 o clock\ I am happy to can inform you about the work that has been done since our last meeting. Wa have to talk over the evaluation form i constructed and the survey we prepared already very far. Further there are submission lists for contacts and for loiterature which we want to present at the following meeting. All forms and notes we have at the moment you can find on the english homepage of Those of you who dont have acces yet please register there. If you need help, plkease let me know. I hope that everyone of you has had a look to our homepage on www.equitherapie org and has comments and ideas for imporvement till our meeting in october.
Action list
Have a look at our Data Collection page on and the evaluation form. You can copy the following link into internet explorerer For the evaluation form it is: Pleas let me know who woil be there at the skype. It is important to prepare us for the meeting in october!!!!! Regards Ulrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
ULrike Thiel
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Action List Data Collection
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Contacts I want to make this week with members of our group • I will contact Stephanie this week for some points and material she may need for her group definitions. • Michaela and I will have contact for going further with the categorization of the second phase of our survey and the method • I will contact Agnes to help Stana with the questionnaire and internet survey in Poland • Stana will be informed about our meeting by Michaela before Agnes is going to contact her • Tessa will prepare the translation of our open questions with me and we Øhave a look how to distribute the work within the Dutch participants Literature and contact addresses for dissemination of the results and networking We need a communication andØhave to be gathered in an efficient way. information gathering system within our group apart from Forum, LDV because of WeØproblems and not official members included. Assess (or access) is not save. Links toØneed a Data Base for the incoming address and other information. Contacts toØscientific literature libraries have to be exchanged. Fachhochschulen and universities in Germany necessary because a lot of Diploma Keywords and criteria for internet search have toØthesis are not in systems. All the data have to beØbe developed and distributed to all team members. Open questions have to be translated andØcollected in SPSS analysis. Contact as well on personal levelØcategorized for the second phase survey A lot of work wasØ Agnes can help Stana Ø(networking) is very important. distributed among the members and we planned two skype conferences before the meeting in October.
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike Thiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495453757
Date of submission *
Type of contribution *
Please react all
Questionnaire for preparition evaluation
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Dear Colleaques I want to inform you, that I have oprepared a questionnaire for preparition of the meeting and our evaluation and report on evaluation. You ccan find it with the link and on the homepage here under LDV group Data collection Loading...Please do have a look at it and tell me if you want to have questions improved Regards ULrike
Action list
Please react before 27 september, because I want to sedn it around on 27th of september by LDV list
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike Thiel
E-mail *
Phone *
00231 405 453757
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Important information
further work on questionnaire with Ivana
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Dear partners Data Colection Group I want to infdorm you that Ivana will join me from coming vriday til moinday first to be present at our examinations of Equitherapists to see the qualification profile and standards and further to work in the other time with me further on the questionnaire. We have the translations of the other countries and will work on the commion questions and the open answers. As you know Ivana cannot be present at the meeting in the Netherlands. Therefore I also will pay a visite to her and the person who will be there instead of her at the meetingbefore the meeting in NL to have everything prepared even if she cannot be present herself. Regards Ulrike
Action list
If someone of you has questions or suggestions for the work we are going to do vrfriday and monday please let us know.
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
ULrike Thiel
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Date of submission *
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Just read and keep in mind
Information from group Data Collection
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Dear colleaques, I want to inform you that Ivana will visite HIppoCamus from viday till monday. On vriday and MOnday we are working on the questionnaire phase 2 and further Ivana will attend aour examinations Equitherapie here in order to inform about our profile and quality criteria. This visite covers 2 targets: Data Collection and getting acquainted with the quality standards and profile of the Equitherapist in this partnerorganization, as it is intended to be in the project. As Ivana will not be able to be here at the meeting in october I am going to visite her and the person coming instead befor the october meeting to prepare Ivanas part to be presented and to work further on the survey analysis. Regards Ulrike
Reactieformulier: Communication form LDV
Name *
Ulrike Thiel
E-mail *
Phone *
0031 495 453757
Date of submission *
Type of contribution *
Please react all
register on the LDV Group system please
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Dear Colleaques, This structured mail has been sent by the data communication System as we decided to make for our group Data Colection. May I ask you to register and then have a look at the system. It is - of couse - a proposal and we can still do somme changes etc. Regards Ulrike
Action list
I am sending the links and insttructions per normal mail. Hope that I can give everyopne of you access as soon as possible as I am curious what your comments are. Please let me know what you want to change or to fill up etc.