A European qualification framework for practice and training in Animal Mediated Assistance and Therapy (AMAT)
In Construction
Dear Member of the thematic LDV group Data Collection
On this page you find liinks to topics and files connected with our work, which we need to have to look up without searching them in our own archieves. Further it collects papers submitted to the Members of the LDV group Data Collection
Access only by LDV Group Data Collection
TOPICS ANS FILES (links and Downloads)
Questionnaire survey first and second phase:
Comparision tables for education in AMAT
Criteria which we decided top be on the survey
Excell paper decision of countries
First Fitram Questionnaire submittet
Introduction to questionnaire (english)
German questionnaire first phase
Dutch Questionnaire first phase
FITRAM questionnaire first phase (published at the homepage of FITRAM as synthesis of questionnaires)
Proposal for multiple joice variables for open questions 2nd phase
Open questions report
English text of the questions variables and labels used in first phase
English text of the questions, variables and labels used in the second phase
Links to bibliography systems for internet search for scientific articles