Nederlandse Stichting Helpen met Paarden – Equitherapie

Questionnaire English version



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hereby we would like to invite you to participate in a study which ispart of a Leonardo da Vinci

partnership in the Lifelong Learning Programme, with the title:

A Europeanqualification framework for practice and training in Animal Mediated Assistanceand

Therapy (AMAT) andAnimal Assisted Activities(AAA).

This study andquestionnaire is dealing with Equine assisted and mediated interventions only

With this study we are trying to make an inventory of the animal-assistedinterventions (AMAT =

Animal Mediated Assistance and Therapy and AAA =Animal AssistedActivities) as well as the

training for practitioners in this field that is offered in allcountries of partners. The results of the study

will help us to define current problems and specific interests of allinvolved people in order to reflect

on it in our future work within the field of AMAT/AAA.

In addition to the questionnaire, we will send you a detailed projectdescription and a list of all

partners involved in this project.

If you have questions or if you are interested in more information aboutthe project progress and

current results do not hesitate to contact us!

You can reach the representative of the involved partner organizationat:

(ContactData of contact person / partner organization)


Thank you for your help!

Yours sincerely,

.Name contact person partner organization

For more information, please see the project description and the list of involvedorganisations. In the

list you can find a link to the homepage of the national foundation forworking with AMAT/AAA



Link toproject description homepage partner organization

A Leonardo Da Vinci EU Partnership Project

between organisations dealing with the training and realisation ofAMAT/AAA with horses takes place in the following countries :

• Belgium

• France

• Germany

• The Netherlands(

• Poland

• Slovakia

The organizations joining in this project are working with AMAT/AAAwhich means they support

people with disabilities in physical, psychological, mental or socialorder. Working within the

educational, social, therapeutic or rehabilitative field we complementand deepen the medical,

paramedical and educative interventions in a very efficient way.

The partner project aims on a guaranteed level of identicalinterventions of quality within different

fields an functions in AMAT/AAA in the EU. This can only be realized byconforming training programs

to a well defined levels of quality and competences that we willresearch and develop within this


This will result in asystem of quality and security guaranties for the clients or customers in theEU.

More information canbe found on the list of the organisations and their activities and goals.


About this project

Animal Mediated Assistance includes measures for educational, social,therapeutic or rehabilitative

activities being carried out by professionals with the help of theanimal as subject within the triangular

process (the client, the animal and the professional undergo a relationon which the process is

based).The involvement of the animal is supposed to be a sort catalystwithin the intended process.

According to the outcomes of the former Pegasus project dating from 2003to 2005 and other studies

there is no discussion about the efficiency of AMAT/AAA, if properlydone according to well defined

quality criteria. But because of the lack of an official framework forteaching and practice of AMAT/AAA

in European countries and means of official quality control we cannotexploit those opportunities

efficiently. Furthermore this deficiency disables theupcoming generation of well educated specialists in AMAT/AAA to establishthemselves as professionals and to enable cooperation between specialists in practice,training and quality control within Europe. On the other side the outcomes ofthis project could be profit to the financial deciders an clients themselvesmaking them able to distinguish between the different offers of practice inAMAT/AAA.

As examples for big problems is the fact that in AMAT/AAA differentprofessions are involved who have to undergo the training as an additionaltraining to their basic profession and practice with clients without animalsinvolved. Therefore we have to do with different basic assumptions at thebeginning of the training and in practice we have to do with a lot of verydifferent training programs differing from 3 days to three years. There is abroad variety in definition of competencies andmethods partially scientifically well justified partially not.

Our objectives are to build a multi-dimensionalframework of contents, legal and organizational aspects of quality criteria .So we will also assist mental health organizations by giving them tools tocompare different forms and competences in Animal Mediated Assistance (AMAT) orAnimal Assisted Activities in the different European countries.

Whythis survey?

This project enables the European organizations beinginvolved in AMAT/AAA to constructively exchange their knowledge and practice inorder to develop a qualitative framework approved by the European Commission.This will lead to transparency and quality control of AMAT/AAA for all theinvolved parts: clients, practitioners, trainers, pupils, social and medicalorganizations. Political and financial decisions can be based in the future onthis framework within the EU. This would lead to more efficient practices inAMAT/AAA to more efficient organisation so to open opportunities for realprofessionals and to simplify the communication between them and exchange ofprofessionals, training programs and lifelong learning for AMAT/AAA from one country to the other within the EU.

To approach harmonization of practice, training andquality control of AMAT/AAA we work on a diagnostical review of the concretepractices, competences, profiles and trainings in the involved partnercountries. Further we aim to make a summary of the problems issued from thediagnostical review.

Whyyou and/or your organization?

Therefore we looked for organizations in the partnercountries, who are involved closely to the practice and training for AMAT/AAAwith horses and dogs, in order to aid us in our survey on the current practicesand problems in the involved countries.

As your organization or you as a practitioner inAMAT/AAA prove to be involved closely in this topics we would appreciate verymuch your help in the first phase of our partner project by answering thequestions of our survey questionnaire. Please use the free forms especially toinform us about problems you are confronted with in your practice. Sure we willinform you after our analysis over the outcomes of our survey and may contactyour again for further steps intended

If you need more information or do have questionsabout this project please contact


Yours sibcerely

(Name contact person of …………..(name of the organization)) .

.Logo of partner organization

Start Questionnaire

Page 1

Who is submitting?

In this part of the questionnaire you can give usinformation about you/your company/organization. You

can let us know if you are: (1) a practitioner(working for himself), (2) representing an organization,

company or institution who practices AMAT/AAA, (3) anorganization providing training for AMAT/AAA

practitioners, (4) a company lending horses forAMAT/AAA activities or (5) riding instructor who is involved in

AMAT/AAA activities. Depending on your answer you aredirected to the part of the questionnaire suited for


Nameof Submitter



Ifill in this questionnaire as: *


·For myself, as an individualpractitioner or I own a company ororganization practicing in AMAT/AAA

·As a practitionerworking for an organization or company where AMAT/AAA is carried out.

·As a representativeof an organization or company where training in AMAT/AAA is provided.

·As a person workingfor an organization or company where AMAT/AAA is carried out and where

trainingin AMAT/AAA is provided.

·For a company/institution lending horses to AMAT/AAA practitioners/organizations

·A riding instructorbeing involved in AMAT/AAA activities

Contact Data ofsubmitter (contact person)

Please fill in the following part of thequestionnaire, the contact data of you/your company/organization.

Within the questionnaire your answers will be analyzedanonymously. At the end of this part we will ask you

if we may keep your contact data, independent from thequestionnaire for contact data base on AMAT/AAA

contacts within the LDV-project.

Nameof the company/institute or organization which you own, where you are employedor which

youare representing



Legalform of the company or organization



Addressof the company or organization *




Postalcode *









Phonenumber *

VAR007 With international phone code, so you can bereached from abroad.



VAR008 Of your practice/company/organization you arerepresenting



VAR009 Where you as a contact person could be reached


Iagree that the above submitted contact data may be used for the database of theLDV-project. *

VAR223 Only the contact data will be used to contactyou for AMAT/AAA topics. The rest of the

questionnaire data is handled anonymous only.

·No, I disagree

·Yes, I agree

Page 2


General information of submitter

(aspractitioner or representative of an organization)

We want to know in which function you are answeringthis questionnaire; (1) for yourself as practitioner in

AMAT/AAA, (2) as representative of an organizationbeing in charge of AMAT/AAA activities or educations

for AMAT/AAA practitioners. Please choose thecombination fitting for your situation. The following questions ask explanationabout the education, basic training, equestrian training and AMAT/AAA trainingof you (as contact person for an organization or practitioner in AMAT/AAA).

Selectwhat is most applicable for your work for AMAT/AAA?

VAR002 Please choose the combination fitting for yoursituation

·I am an independentcontractor practicing AMAT/AAA (I have a sole proprietorship).

·I am representing acompany with several employees who are AMAT/AAA practitioners

·I am representativeof a (non-profit) organization (a non-profit organization is not working tomake profit)

·I am employed aspractitioner at a company, institute or organization where AMAT/AAA is provided

·I am representing acompany, institute or organization where training in AMAT /AAA is provided

·I am a practitionerin AMAT/AAA myself

·I am not apractitioner in AMAT/AAA myself

·I am a teacher in aneducation for AMAT/AAA practitioners

·I am a ridinginstructor assisting in AMAT/AAA

·Other: ....................................

Sincewhen is your practice, company or organization active in the field of AMAT/AAA?*

VAR018 = VAR204

·Before 1995

·Between 1996 and 2000

·Between 2001 and 2005

·Between 2006 and 2011

Areyou/your company/organization member of a professional association of AMAT/AAAor equine association ?



·Yes, namely (pleasegive a description in the next box)



Isthere cooperation with other providers of AMAT/AAA?



·Yes, namely (pleasegive a description in the next box)



Whatis the mission/vision of you, your company or the organization you represent onAMAT/AAA?

VAR069 = VAR214


Doyou offer licensed apprenticeship in a relevant education for AMAT/AAA?




Doyou/your company/organization have PR and communication in your system?



·Yes, namely (pleasegive a description in the next box)




Whatis your main occupation in your company or organization connected with AMAT/AAA

activities?Please choose the combination fitting for you. *


o Active AMAT/AAA practitioner

o Volunteer in AMAT/AAA activities

o Freelance practitioner

o Professional aid

o Intern

o Standby employee

o Stable help

o Owner of horses

o Owner of stable

o Secretary

o Retired AMAT/AAA practitioner

o Administration/organization

o Riding instructor

o Other: ....................................

Whatlevel of basic professional education do you have? *

VAR019 + VAR200 = VAR284

·No basic professionaleducation

·Vocational education

·University ofProfessional education

·University of Science

·Other: ....................................

Whatkind of basic professional education do you have? *

VAR019 + VAR201 = VAR285

o None

o Pedagogical

o Psychological

o Occupational therapy

o Nursing

o Medical

o Social sciences

o Training in coaching

o Private courses/ training

o Business administration/ management/ economic

o Horse riding instructor

o Other: ....................................

Whatis your experience with horses? *

VAR082 + VAR161 = VAR226

o No experience

o Recreational riding

o Professional riding (competitions)

o Preparing horses for therapies

o Horse handling education

o I own or have owned (a) horse(s)

o I own a stable

o I hire horses for AMAT/AAA activities

o I am a riding instructor

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of equestrian education/qualifications do you have? *

VAR019+ VAR083 + VAR222 + VAR161 + VAR277 = VAR286

o Workshops organization AMAT/AAA

o Courses horsemanship

o Equestrian riding courses

o Vaulting Instructor training

o Riding Instructor training

o Driving instructor training

o Instructor riding for the disabled

o Equestrian certificate

o Horse coaching

o Horse farming/ management

o Equestrian experience without certificate

o Participation in Equestriancompetitions (sport)

o Private courses

o Official equestrian training by organization on AMAT/AAA

o Official equestrian training by the national equestrian organization

o None

o Other: ....................................

WhatAMAT/AAA education did you follow? *

VAR019 + VAR203 = VAR287

o None

o Equine assisted coaching

o Equine assisted therapy

o Equine assisted activities

o Training of national foundation for AMAT/AAA

o Equine assisted learning

o Riding/vaulting instructor for the disabled

o Remedial vaulting/riding

o Equitherapy

o None

o Other: ....................................

Doyou follow regular/updating (re-)training voor AMAT/AAA? *

VAR020 + VAR021 = VAR212

o Yes, mandatory training/accreditation

o Yes, voluntary training/accreditation

o Yes, I read the internet/literature

o Yes, I visit congresses

o No, I don't find it necessary

o No, I learn from practicing

o No, I want to but it is not possible

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of regular/updating AMAT/AAA (re-)training do you follow?

VAR020 + VAR021 = VAR262

o I do not follow regular/updating (re-)training especially for AMAT/AAA

o Mandatory training/accreditation organizations AMAT/AAA

o Voluntary training/accreditation organizations AMAT/AAA

o Reading internet/literature on AMAT/AAA

o Visiting congresses focussed on AMAT/AAA

o Other: ....................................

Thisquestion links you to the following section of the questionnaire fitted foryou, your company or



·My company or organization does not have anyemployees/volunteers working in AMAT/AAA activities (go to page 4)

·My company or organization does have employees/volunteersworking in AMAT/AAA

(goto page 3)

·My company or organization only has volunteersworking in AMAT/AAA activities

(goto page 3)


Page 3


Employees and/or volunteers

We would like to know more about the qualificationsand function of your employees/volunteers involved in

AMAT/AAA activities.

Whatis the number of employees/volunteers that work for you/yourcompany/organization?

VAR017 = VAR210

·1 - 5 employees

·5-10 employees

·10 - 50 employees

·More than 50 employees

·1 - 5 volunteers

·More than 5 volunteers

·Employees and volunteers working in AMAT/AAA

·Volunteers only

·Employees only

·Other: ....................................

Whatis/ are the main occupations of these employees and/or volunteers?

VAR017 = VAR227

o Practitioner in AMAT/AAA

o Volunteer /helper

o Freelance practitioner

o Professional aid

o Interns

o Standby employee

o Stable help

o Other: ....................................

Whatlevel of basic professional education do the employees/volunteers have?

VAR019 + VAR200 = VAR288 (Only employees who are practicingAMAT/AAA at your company)

o Vocational education

o University of professionaleducation

o University of science

o No specific professionaleducation

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of basic professional education do your employees have?

VAR019 + VAR201 = VAR289 (Only employees who arepracticing AMAT/AAA at your company)

o Pedagogue

o Psychologist

o Developmental psychologist

o Psychotherapist

o Occupational therapist

o Educational psychotherapist

o Sociotherapist

o Remedial teacher

o Nurse (medical background)

o Nurse psychiatric background

o Medical doctor

o Psychiatrist

o Social sciences

o Training in coaching

o Private courses/ training inguiding people

o Groups leader-training

o Business administration/management/ economic

o None

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of equestrian education do your employees have?

VAR019 + VAR202 + VAR277 = VAR290 Give the combinationof training in combination with providerof this training fitted for your situation ( for employees only who are practicing AMAT/AAA at yourcompany)

o Workshopsorganization AMAT/AAA

o Courses horsemanship

o Equestrian riding courses

o Vaulting Instructor training

o Riding Instructor training

o Driving instructor training

o Instructor riding for the disabled

o Equestrian certificate

o Horse coaching

o Horse farming/ management

o Equestrian experience without certificate

o Participation in Equestriancompetitions (sport)

o Private courses

o Official equestrian training by organization on AMAT/AAA

o Official equestrian training by the national equestrian organization

o None

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of AMAT/AAA education do your employees have?

VAR019 + VAR203 = VAR291(Only employees who are practicingAMAT/AAA at your company)

o None

o Equine assisted coaching

o Equine assisted therapy

o Equine assisted activities

o Training of national foundation for AMAT/AAA

o Equine assisted learning

o Riding/vaulting instructor for the disabled

o Remedial vaulting/riding

o Equitherapy

o None

o Other: ....................................

Doyour employees follow regular/updating (re-)training for their basic profession?

VAR020 = VAR211

o No, I don't find it necessary

o No, we learn by practicing

o No, I want to but it is not possible

o Yes, mandatory training/ accreditation

o Yes, voluntary training/accreditation

o Yes, by reading internet/literature

o Yes, by visiting congresses

o Other: ....................................

Whatkind of regular/updating AMAT/AAA (re-)training do your employees follow?

VAR020 = VAR213

o We don't follow regular/updating (re-)training especially for AMAT/AAA

o Mandatory training/accreditation organization AMAT/AAA

o Voluntary training/accreditation organization AMAT/AAA

o Training at other AMAT/AAA organizations

o Reading internet/ literature on AMAT/AAA

o Visiting congresses focussed on AMAT/AAA

o Other: ....................................

Doyou and/or employees use supervision inconnection with their AMAT/AAA activities?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in thenext box)




Thisquestion links you to the following section of the questionnaire fitted foryou, your company or


VAR050 = VAR263

·My company ororganization does not provide training or education for AMAT/AAA practitioners(go to page 5)

·My company ororganization provides training or education for AMAT/AAA practitioners (go topage 4)

Page 4

Provided training or education for AMAT/AAApractitioners

If you/your company/organization offers a training oreducation in AMAT/AAA, please fill in the following

questions. We are interested in the details of thetraining or education you/your company/organization

provides so we can make an inventory of education forAMAT/AAA offered in different countries.


Whatis the name of the training or education you/your company/organization provide?



Whatis the duration of this training or education? *

VAR052 = VAR292 Please give the combination ofhours of training and training time for the whole trainings route (within weeks, months oryears).

o 10 - 50 hours

o 50 - 100 hours

o 100- 250 hours

o 250 - 500 hours

o More than 500 hours

o More than 1000 hours

o Hours attended within one week

o Hours attended within half a year

o Hours attended between half ayear and 1 year

o Hours attended in between 1 yearand 3 years

o Hours attended in between 4 and 5years

Howis the training time divided?

VAR053 = VAR266 (Please, describe which parts - theory, practise,self-experience, exams, etc. - areinvolved and tell us how much trainings time is used forthe parts you offer within the trainings time, workshops, homework's,etc.))

·Theory on AMAT/AAA

·Theory client groups

·Equestrian basis of AMAT/AAA training

·Self experience/self awareness

·Supervision/ intervision

·Relationship with horse

·Personal development

·Practical exercises

·Integration of AMAT/AAA work into professionalpractice

·Guidelines for AMAT/AAA work

·Code of Ethics

·Literature study

·Homework on theory and important literature onAMAT/AAA

·Other: ....................................


Pleaseselect from this list the parts of the training included in your route and tell us how muchthis part tells in percentages of thewhole training



·Equine practice

·AMAT/AAA practice

·Self awareness



Whatlevel is the training?

VAR054 + VAR055 = VAR245Please tell us if the training is included in your basic educationof a

several level or is in addition to your basiceducation of a certain level

·Vocational education

·University of Professional education (maximumBachelor possible)

·University of Science (Bachelor, Master anddr. etc possible)

·Additional training after basic leveleducation

·Included training within basic level education

·Other: ....................................

Whatare the admission requirements for your AMAT/AAA training? Equine and/or professional

educationand experience *

VAR056 + VAR109 = VAR209 Please choose a combinationfitted for your situation

o There are no admissionrequirements

o Equine experience

o Equine instructor or trainerqualification

o Horsemanship experience (horse keepingand management)

o Horsemanship qualification

o Basic professional education in(mental) health profession university of science standard

o Basic profession education in(mental) health profession (university or professional university/ college


o Basic professional education inpedagogical profession university of science standard

o Basic profession education inpedagogical profession (university or professional university/ college


o Basic professional education insocial sciences profession university of science standard

o Basic profession education insocial sciences profession (university or professional university/ college


o Working experience of a certainamount within basic work with clients without horses

o Certain age reached beforestarting AMAT/AAA training

o First aid education

o Extract from the crime register

o Other: ....................................

Howis the training completed? *

VAR057 + VAR058 = VAR246

o No specific completion askedapart from attendance

o Written theory examination

o Practical examination

o Portfolio assessment

o A practical project/ assignment

o Internship

o Other: ....................................


Whatkind of evidence does the participant receive after completion of the training?*


·A diploma

·A certificate

·A certificate of attendance

·Other: ....................................

Wouldyou like to explain or amplify the previous question?



Isthere regular/updating (re-)training after completion of the AMAT/AAA trainingoffered? *

VAR061 = VAR267 Please choose the combination fittedfor you

o No

o Refresher modules

o Workshops

o Courses in theory and practice

o Supervision

o Courses in theory only

o Courses in practice only

o Other: ....................................

Wouldyou like to describe your previous answer?



Isthis regular/updating (re-)training necessary for keeping the certificationstatus or the validity of the document asAMAT/AAA practitioner?




Isthere a (sort of) certification-procedure to keep the status as AMAT/AAApractitioner? *

VAR064 Certification means that the practitioner hasto fulfil some requirements in order to keep his status

as AMAT/AAA practitioner



Wouldyou like to describe the type of certification offered?



Whichorganizationgrants the certification ?


·There is nocertification

·Trainings provider

·Municipal or state authorities

·(Mental) health authorities

·Other: ....................................

Isthe program accredited?

VAR067 That means; is the trainings programacknowledged by official instances like ministry of education



Bywhich official organization is theprogram accredited and since when?

VAR068 = VAR293

o Ministery for education/science

o University

o Professional association (e.g. psychologist's association)

o National organization AMAT/AAA

o National organization for riding for the disabled

o Other: ....................................


Since ....................................


Page 5


Working Model and Methods used in AMAT/AAA

Give a description of the working model and methodsyou/your company/organization is using when

carrying out/teaching AMAT/AAA activities.

Whattheoretical foundation is used? *

VAR070 = VAR215

o No specific model is used

o Medical treatment model

o Psychological treatment model

o Learning model behaviouristic model

o Esotherical model

o Pedagogical treatment model

o Psychosocial support model

o Psychomotility model

o Other: ....................................

Wouldyou like to describe your theoretical foundation?



Whatmethods / methodologies/qualities are used?

Whatis the horse bringing in addition if involved in the process of theclient/customer?

VAR071 = VAR216

o None specific ones

o Personal characteristics of the horse

o Social abilities of the horse

o Analogeous communication

o Attractivity for humans

o Ability to carry

o Vaulting

o Riding

o Contact

o Relationship

o Moving on and with horse (movement dialogue)

o Mirror function of the horse

o Ethological abilities of the horse

o Horse as assistance

o Horse as medium

o Horse as (not human) co-therapist

o Other: ....................................


Equine techniques

In the following questions we want to know how you seethe relationship between the horse, client and

practitioner. Also we would like to know what methods,methodologies and working models you use.

Whichequine techniques are used in the AMAT/AAA sessions?


o None

o Vaulting

o Lungeing

o Leading

o Riding

o Driving

o Free style

o Joining up

o Ground work

o Tracking

o Jumping

o Leading with long reins

o Other: ....................................

Whois in charge of the horse during therapy?



·The practitionerhimself

·Practitioner and helper (volunteer)

·Practitioner and riding instructor

·Riding instructor

·Horse handler


·Other: ....................................


Role and function ofthe horse and practitioner during the AMAT/AAA sessions

We want to know how you describe the role of the horseand its function in the process

Whichrole(s) does the horse fulfil during the session?

VAR120 = VAR269 (checkbox)

o Relational figure for client

o Extention of the therapist;s qualities

o Offering alternatives in behaviour

o Reacts to behaviour of client

o Interacts with client

o Interacts with therapist

o Model interaction therapist horse

o Non verbal communication

o Co-therapist

o Mirror

o Transitional object

o Non-verbal analogue understanding

o Ice breaker between human dialogue partners

o Carrying

o Observing social structure

o Intense physical contact

o Offers safety to client

o Emotional support for client

o Partner for the client

o Immediately feedback

o Fulfilling clients psychical(emotional) needs

o Other: ....................................

Whichfunction does the horse have during theprocess?


o Motivator

o Activator

o Updates experiences

o Symbolises

o Stabilises processes

o Mirrors clients emotions

o Role figure

o Regression figure

o Symbolic figure

o No specific function

o Other: ....................................

Whatfunction does the practitioner fulfil during the session?


o Showing possibilities

o Offering framework conditions

o Arousing curiosity

o Making proposals

o Describing and supportingreactions of clients and horse

o Following the clients' needs

o Offering possibilities forsymbolic processing

o Offering opportunities forpsychomotor processing

o Offering possibilities forpsychosocial processing

o Enabling stabilization

o Preparing transfer into dailylife

o Offering and taking off differentroles of the horse in the process

o Other: ....................................

Howimportant do you consider the triangular relationship betweenclient/horse/practitioner?

VAR122 = VAR247



PerformanceProfile(s) of the Practitioner

Whatis/are the important performance profile(s) of the practitioner?


o Relationship with horse

o Knowledge of guidelines for AMAT/AAA

o Critical faculties

o Practical implementation of the horse in working model

o Manor as therapist

o Understanding of processes

o Selected method of AMAT/AAA for target group

o Relationship with client

o Other: ....................................

Whatis the basic professional education of the practitioner?


o None

o Pedagogical

o Psychological

o Occupational therapy

o Nursing

o Medical

o Social sciences

o Training in coaching

o Private courses/training

o Business administration/management/economics

o Horse riding instructor

o Other: ....................................


Whichknowledge and skills does a person working with AMAT/AAA need?

VAR152 = VAR313 Please choose the 4 most important skillsaccording to you

o Equine knowledge

o Equine skills and experience

o Knowledge about target group

o Knowledge about problems of target group

o Knowledge about therapeutic processes techniques interventions etc

o practical horse training skills and practice

o Abilities of a good therapist empathy etc

o Relation with horse

o Relation with client

o Critical attitude about own functioning as therapist and rider

o Connect to therapy model

o Other skills profile Equitherapist

o Other: ....................................


Code of Ethics inAMAT/AAA activities

We are interested in if you/your company/organizationis keeping to some sort of code of ethics when

applying AMAT/AAA activities.

Doyou/your company/organization have a professional code of ethics?



·Yes, with respect to the horse

·Yes, regarding the customer / client

·Yes, regarding to the duties of thepractitioner's professional acting

·Yes, regarding to the duties of the practitionerin keeping his qualifications

·Other: ....................................

Pleaseexplain your code of ethics?



Isthere research /publications on AMAT/AAA done by you/your company/organization?

VAR132 + VAR133 = VAR259

·No, there is no research / publications beingdone on AMAT/AAA from our company or organization (go to page 7)

·Yes, there is research/publications being done on AMAT/AAA from our company ororganization (go to page 6)

Page 6

Publications/Research on AMAT/AAA

If you/your company/organization takes part in aresearch in AMAT/AAA tell us in which context this

happens and what type of research you are taking partin.

Whatkind of research /publications is/are being done from you/your company/organization?

VAR132 = VAR260

o On training in AMAT/AAA

o On effectiveness of AMAT/AAAactivities

o On the state of the art ofAMAT/AAA activities

o On the conditions for AMAT/AAAactivities

o On requirements for good practise

o On clients wellbeing

o On horses wellbeing

o On practitioners wellbeing

o Other: ....................................

Whatis the purpose of the research/publications ?

VAR134 = VAR294

·Clients well being and development

·Horses well being

·Effectiveness of AMAT/AAA

·Therapeutic model used

·Other: ....................................

Whattime does the research take? (please put down data from ... til ...)

VAR138= VAR270

·Less than half a year

·Half a year to 1 year

·1 Year to 1,5 year

·1,5 Years to 2 years

·More than 2 years

Isthere technical support for research?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in thenext box)

Descriptionof support



Whatpeople are involved in this research?



Arethere horses being used for this research?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in the next box)



Whatis/are the target group(s) of the research?

VAR135 = VAR295

o Client groups

o Clients with specific needs

o Age groups

o Psychiatric disorders

o Political topic linked toefficiency studies

o Other: ....................................

Isthere a collaboration with other partners?

VAR136 + VAR137 = VAR272

o No

o Yes other AMAT/AAA organizations in own country

o Yes other AMAT/AAA organizations abroad

o Other professionals with same target groups

o Scientists

o Universities

o EU partnership projects

o Trainings organizations

o Equine organizations

o Animal health organizations

o PR Media

o Political organizations

o Profession organization

o Other: ....................................

Pleasewrite down any additional information about your research.



Page 7



The following questions are about how you/yourcompany/organization obtains the financial aid to

enable the services and activities on AMAT/AAA youoffer. These are quite personal questions but please

remember it is for a good cause. There are differentmodels of financing AMAT/AAA activities in different

countries and organisations. We want to know how theAMAT/AAA activities are paid for. in different

countries and organizations in order to can developsuggestions on financing within the European


Doyou/your company/organization receive donations? (It means that you offerpeople or legal

formsto donate for your activities)

VAR037 + VAR038 = VAR231

o No

o Yes, structural donations (monthly or yearly given an amount fororganizations activities)

o Yes, occasional donations (once given amount for activities)

o Yes, fundraising

o Yes, sponsorship of companies or private persons

o Yes, fundraising at events

o Other: ....................................

Doyou/your company/organization receive enough money or are there any financialproblems?

VAR039 = VAR228

o I don't want to answer

o We receive enough money tosupport the costs of the activities

o We receive enough money tosupport the costs of the horses

o We receive enough money tosupport the costs of my/our personal life

o We receive enough money tosupport the costs of the staff

o We do not receive enough money tosupport the costs of the activities

o We do not receive enough money tosupport the costs of the horses

o We do not receive enough money tosupport the costs of my/our personal life

o We do not receive enough money tosupport the costs of the staff

o Other: ....................................

Doyou/your company/organization receive funding?

VAR035 + VAR036 = VAR229 This means that your companyor organization is actively fundraising.

o Not applicable

o No (we could, but we don't do it)

o Yes, from the state

o Yes, from the region authorities

o Yes, from companies

o Yes, from clubs (like Rotary etc.)

o Yes, from non profit organizations

o Yes, from EU funds

o Other: ....................................

Page 8


Services and activities in AMAT/AAA you/your company/ organizationoffers

The following questions are about the content of theservices and/or activities in AMAT/AAA you, your

company or organization offers to clients or customers.Because this is an international survey you may find

terms you do not know in your country. Please selectthe terms most relevant for your work. If you cannot

find the right term in the list you can add your usedterminology at the end under "other".


Underwhich name are the services/activities provided?

VAR022 + VAR023 = VAR205

o Equitherapy-E.A. development support

o Equitherapy-E.A. remedial education and support

o Equitherapy-E.A. psychosocial support

o Equitherapy-E.A. rehabilitation and compensatory intervention

o Equitherapy-E.A. psychotherapy

o Hippo therapy (physiotherapy with horses)

o Equitherapy-E..A. Rehabilitation (mental and psychomotor rehabilitation)

o Remedial vaulting and riding

o Psychotherapy with the horse

o Healing

o Coaching

o Counselling

o Personal development

o Team Training/Building

o Systematic horse coaching

o Leadership development/training

o (Experimental) learning

o Reflecting (cognitive problem solving)

o Mindfulness

o Riding/vaulting/driving as a sport for handicapped

o Other: ....................................

Wouldyou give a description of what your services/ activities in AMAT/AAA entail?

VAR024 = VAR206

o Coaching

o Personal career guidance

o Psycho social guidance

o Pedagogical guidance

o Psychotherapy

o Occupational therapy

o Rehabilitation

o Pedagogical projects

o Equine assisted activities

o Training

o Workshops

o Reflecting behaviour

o Relaxation and enjoyment

o Psychological guidance/help

o Psychiatric guidance

o Social work and services

o Daytime activities

o Holistic riding instruction

o Experimental learning

o Physical exercises

o Systematic guidance

o Balance guidance

o Healing and alternative themes

o Horse whispering

o Training communication skills

o Behavioural problems with horses

o Development enhancement

o Problem solving

o Recreational activities

o Sport activities

o Other: ....................................

Wheredo you perform your work primarily?

VAR103 + VAR104 = VAR234

o In an indoor arena

o In an outdoor arena

o On the meadow

o In the vicinity (forests)

o I work with a horse at theclient's house

o Other: ....................................

Clients or customersof your AMAT/AAA activities

The following questions are about the target group ofclients or customers that use your services and/or

activities in AMAT/AAA. We would like to know the specificdetails about your target group for AMAT/AAA

activities and the goals on which you are focussing.

Onwhich client or customer group(s) do you/your company/organization focus?

VAR026 + VAR027 = VAR235

o Children (0 to 6 years)

o Children (6 to 12 years)

o Youth (12 to 18 years)

o Adults (18 to 65 years)

o Elderly (65+)

o Other: ....................................

Whatis the composition of the target group for the AMAT/AAA activities?


o Individual

o Small groups (2 to 5)

o Medium-sized groups (5 to 12)

o Large groups (>12)

o The composition is not determined

Whobrings you in contact with the client or customer?

VAR044 + VAR045 = VAR236

o Institute or institution (school, hospital etc...)

o Other (mental) healthcare professionals (doctor, psychologist......)

o Family of the client

o The client himself

o Company/ employer of the client

o Other: ....................................

Whichclient's problems are you treating?

VAR029 + VAR030 = VAR237 If necessary, choose the 4most common problems

o Behaviour problems (ADHD, autism etc.)

o Geriatric problems (Alzheimer's etc.)

o Psychiatric problems (depression, personality disorders, etc.)

o Family issues

o Eating disorders

o Addiction problems

o Relationship problems

o Burn out

o Personal development/growth

o Professional development/growth

o Physical rehabilitation

o (Re-) integration into the labour market

o Recreational physical activity

o Team Building

o Management services

o Mental retardation

o Developmental problems

o Problems with sensorial abilities (blind, deaf.....)

o Psychological rehabilitation

o Learning and school problems

o Other: ....................................

Howmany client contact hours do you do you/your company/organization have permonth, on


VAR025 + VAR238 4 clients once a week = 16 contacthours per month

o 1 to 8 contact hours (1 to 2 clients per week)

o 9 to 20 contact hours (3 to 5 clients per week)

o 21 to 36 contact hours (6 to 9 clients per week)

o 37 to 60 contact hours (10 to 15 clients per week)

o 61 to 96 contact hours (16 to 24 clients per week)

o 97 to 140 contact hours (25 to 35 clients per week)

o 141 to 200 contact hours (36 to 50 clients per week)

o Other: ....................................

Howlong is a full route with a client or customer?

VAR034 + VAR239 More answers possible for differentroutes offered.

o Less than one month

o 1 month till 6 months

o 6 month till one year

o One year and more

o Other: ....................................

Whatprocedure is handled: from the first client or customer contact to completionof the service or

activity?Please mark the parts of a route which you have in your standard procedure.

VAR072 + VAR073 = VAR217

o Intake

o Trial or diagnostics session

o Route of sessions

o Evaluation

o Ending session

o Re-evaluation

o Report on paper

o Keeping the clients data for research

o Other: ....................................

Howis the objective for the AMAT/AAA activity determined at the start of theroute?


o Not applicable (nature of the target group)

o Not applicable (nature of the activities)

o I (or a colleague) hold an intake

o Defined with counsellor/ social worker/psychologist.... of the client

o Determined by the organization or institution sending the client

o I commit to the stated objective

o Other:


Isthere direct cooperation and communication with the counsellor or person of trustin charge of



·No, not applicable

·No, not chosen

·No, not possible

·Yes, with professional counsellors/ (mental)health specialists/ social workers/ teachers......

·Yes, with family

·Other: ....................................

Howdoes this cooperation and communication work?

VAR048 + VAR240

o Regular written reports per mail

o Regular written reports per e-mail

o Regular written reports given personally

o Regular reports per phone

o Regular meetings

o Finishing report

o Other: ....................................

Doyou provide information about your clients and AMAT/AAA activities to thirdparties?

VAR097 + VAR098 = VAR241

o No

o Yes, to family

o Yes, to professionals taking in charge the client

o Yes, to other professionals, but without any identifying information

o Yes, to heading of Your organization, but without any identifyinginformation

o Yes, to media, but without any identifying information

o Yes, to organizations, which sent clients (hospital, school, etc.)

o Data are saved anonymously for science targets

o Other: ....................................

Howdo you hold your client registration and documentation?

VAR095 + VAR096 = VAR242

·In a paper file

·In a digital file

·As well in a paper file as in a digital file

·Other: ....................................


Sessions of theAMAT/AAA activities

The following questions are about some of the detailsof a session in AMAT/AAA activities you, your

company or organization provides.

Howmany people are involved in a session?


·1 person

·1 - 3 persons

·3 - 5 persons

·5 - 10 persons

·More than 10

Whatis the function of these people?

VAR106 = VAR296

o Equitherapist

o Psychologist,

o Psychotherapist

o Physiotherapist

o Teacher

o Social worker

o Horse "handler" (person who is responsible for handling andsafety of the horse)

o Riding instructor

o All chosen in one person

o Volunteer

o Helper, assistant

o Other: ....................................

Howoften do the sessions take place for a client/customer?

VAR033 = VAR297

o More than twice a week

o Twice a week

o Once per week

o Once within two weeks

o Once a month or less

o Other: ....................................

Whatare the costs of a session? We would like you to convert your local currencyinto euro's if

necessary,and we would like to know what the costs are per hour of a session.

VAR031 + VAR032 = VAR243

o I don't want to answer

o For free

o Less than 10 euro

o10euro - 25 euro

o25euro - 50 euro

o50euro - 100 euro

o More than 100 euro

o Other: ....................................

Budget for AMAT/AAAsessions

We want to know how the sessions for clients and/orcustomers in AMAT/AAA are paid for.

Fromwhat budget are you/your company/organization paid for the AMAT/AAA sessions ofyour


VAR042 = VAR230

o I, my company or organization pays with own budget

o Personal budget (clients receive personal budget from municipal or stateorganizations to pay for their

o therapy)

o Health insurances

o Private ( customers, clients or clients' parents pay themselves)

o Institutions as hospitals etc.

o Employer/ company from staff

o Employer/ company from training for staff

o Employer/ company from recreational budget

o Schools pay from school budget

o Employer of AMAT/AAA professionals pays with salary for sessions andother activities

o Other: ....................................

Isyour income sufficient to cover the costs of the AMAT/AAA activities?


·I don't want toanswer



Doyou have other income sources alongside working with AMAT/AAA?

VAR040 + VAR041 = VAR232

o I don't want to answer

o No

o Yes, giving riding lessons

o Yes, therapy or interventions without a horse

o Yes, working in main profession without horses

o Yes, other occupation not related to horses or basic profession

o Yes, the membership of the clients

o Other: ....................................

Quality managementand control in AMAT/AAA

In the following questions we are interested in if andhow you define and monitor the quality of AMAT/AAA

measures you/your company/organization offers.


Howdo you define quality in your AMAT/AAA work?

VAR080 = VAR221 Which of the following criteria ofquality are the most important for you? Choose up to a

maximum of 4.

o Improvement of client's health/ mental state

o Improvement of client's life quality

o Safety aspects are included

o Qualification of AMAT/AAA practitioner

o Qualification in basic profession

o Quality in horse keeping

o Quality in horse training

o Your personality traits

o Increase of clients

o Ethical aspects

o Evaluation of improvement of clients

o Other: ....................................

Howdo you/your company/organization monitor quality?

VAR081 = VAR298 Which tools do you use to measure thequality of your AMAT/AAA work?

o Questionnaires

o Observation

o Report of sessions

o Supervision

o Evaluation sessions with clients themselves of their parents

o Intervision (case studies)

o Dialogue with professional colleagues in charge of the client

o Observation of health and well being of horse and client

o Amount of clients rising

o Defined behaviour criteria

o I do not monitor quality

o Video supervision/intervision monitoring

o Other: ....................................

Isthere evaluation of the activities?

VAR075 + VAR076 = VAR219

o No

o Yes, own questionnaires used

o Yes, psychomotor diagnostics used

o Yes, medical diagnostic used

o Yes, behaviour criteria followed

o Yes, standard questionnaires used

o Other: ....................................

Isthere research on effects of AMAT/AAA being done within your practice, companyor


VAR074 = VAR218 Please tell us if at your work (yourcompany, your organization research on the effects

of AMAT/AAA on your client is done.)

o No

o For personal reasons (improvement or evaluation of own work, etc.)

o Project of university or organization

o Project within thesis for university degree

o Project within thesis for college degree

o Personal research meant for public

o Other: ....................................

Doyou participate in peer review/supervision on case studies?

VAR078 + VAR079 = VAR220 Are you regularly reviewingcase studies with colleagues or a supervisor.


·Yes, with colleagues from AMAT/AAA

·Yes, with colleagues from basic profession

·Other: ....................................


Arethere special facilities (equipment, etc.) for people with disabilities?

VAR107 + VAR108 = VAR280

o No

o Yes, special reins

o Yes, special saddle

o Yes, handrail

o Yes, ramp

o Yes, stairs

o Yes, toys

o Other: ....................................


Isthere a system for handling complaints?

VAR093 + VAR094 = VAR279 If clients/customers do havecomplaints can you offer them a standard procedure how these complaints can behandled.

·Yes, procedure of my own practice, company ororganization

·Yes, procedure of my own AMAT/AAA organization

·Yes, procedure of my basic professionalassociation

·No, there is no system for handling complaints

·No, I am handling complaints individually

·Other: ....................................


Safety Aspects inAMAT/AAA

The following questions are about the safety aspectsof you/your company/organization. We are

interested in how you offer safety to your employeesand clients.

Youand/or AMAT/AAA employees have a first aid degree?



·First aid only

·Emergency response only

·Both first aid and emergency response

Doyou/your company/organization have a safety certificate assurance?

VAR084 + VAR085 = VAR278

o No, my company or organization does not have a safety certificateassurance

o Yes, a certification for equestrian companies or organizations

o Yes, a certification according to AMAT/AAA measures

o Yes, an assurance for accidents in AMAT/AAA activities

o Other: ....................................

Howis the safety of the client secured in handling the horses?

VAR087 = VAR209

o In a session a horse handling specialist is present

o In a session a certified horse handling specialist is present

o In a session is a helper, who is responsible for the horse during thesession

o Horse is regularly trained

o Horse is regularly ridden

o Any disturbing factors in de vicinity get eliminated

o Clients wear a helmet

o Practitioner is riding/vaulting instructor

o Special safety criteria of AMAT/AAA organization are practised

o Other: ....................................

Isthere a registration system and procedure for handling accidents?

VAR088 + VAR089 = VAR282


·Yes, accidents handling procedure andregistration system

·Yes, accidents handling procedure only

·Yes, accidents handling registration only.

Doyou/your company/organization have a plan in: Risk assessment and evaluation?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in thenext box)



Thisquestion links you to the following section of the questionnaire fitted foryou, your company or



·I (my company or organization) does not houseor use horses (go to page 10)

·My company or organization only houses horses(go to page 11)

·My company or organization only uses horses(go to page 11)

·My company or organization houses and useshorses (go to page 11)

Page 9


The (AMAT/AAA) horse

In the following questions we will ask you about thehorses that are used for the AMAT/AAA activities. We

are interested in the training of the horse, but alsowhat skills the horses need for working for AMAT/AAA.

Besides those topics we would like to know how thehorses are kept and what work they have to do.



Howare the horses selected for AMAT/AAA?

VAR112 = VAR300

o Their character and attitude

o Their exterior (height, width)

o Horse should be willing to work with clients

o Horse should have a good relationship with the practitioner

o Horse is well trained

o Horse likes to have contact with humans

o On breed

o On age

o Other: ....................................



Arethe horses specifically trained for AMAT/AAA?

VAR114 + VAR115= VAR253

·No, they are not trained in any way

·No, the horses only have a basic dressagetraining

·Yes, the horses were trained according tohorsemanship measures

·Yes, the horses were trained according toAMAT/AAA measures

·Other: ....................................

Fromwhat age are the horses trained?

VAR116 = VAR301

·1 year

·2 years

·3 years

·4 years

·5 years

·Other: ....................................

Atwhich age does the horse starts to work in AMAT/AAA activities?


·1 year

·2 years

·3 years

·4 years

·5 years

·Other: ....................................

Whois responsible for the training of the horse?


o The practitioner, according to dressage measures

o The client, according to dressage measures

o An external trainer, who trains the horse according to dressage measures

o An internal trainer, who trains the horse according to dressage measures

o The practitioner, according to AMAT/AAA measures

o The client, according to AMAT/AAA measures

o An external trainer, who trains the horse according to AMAT/AAA measures

o An internal trainer, who trains the horse according to AMAT/AAA measures

o The stable help

o An intern

o It changes from time to time

o Other: ....................................

Whois responsible for the work of the horse outside its work for AMAT/AAA?


o The practitioner, according to dressage measures

o The client, according to dressage measures

o An external trainer, who trains the horse according to dressage measures

o An internal trainer, who trains the horse according to dressage measures

o The practitioner, according to AMAT/AAA measures

o The client, according to AMAT/AAA measures

o An external trainer, who trains the horse according to AMAT/AAA measures

o An internal trainer, who trains the horse according to AMAT/AAA measures

o The stable help

o An intern

o It changes from time to time

o Other: ....................................


Characteristics andskills

Whatare important characteristics of the horse to function well with clients orcustomers?

VAR113 = VAR302 Please select the 3 most importantcharacteristics according to you

o Calm

o Active

o Willing to work

o Easy to touch

o Sensitive

o Stamina

o Adaptability

o Feeling for humans

o Obedient

o Easy going pace (smooth trot, gallop)

o Consistently

o Other: ....................................

Whatcharacteristics and / or skills of the horse are utilized during sessions?

VAR121 = VAR303 Please select the 3 most important characteristicsaccording to you

o Relationship development

o Mirror function of the horse

o Three-dimensional movement

o Psychomotor movement dialogue

o Social capacities

o Analogue communication

o Non critical acceptance of persons and their possible disabilities

o Motivational and appeal of the horse to persons

o Symbolism of the horse

o Multi-sensual appeal of the horse

o Other: ....................................

Whatprinciples do you hold related to the treatment / handling of the horses?

VAR117 = VAR304

o Classical principles of training

o Natural Horsemanship

o Western riding

o Vaulting

o Free style

o Joining up

o Ground work

o Tracking

o Theatre or other pedagogical methods

o Leading with long reins

o Other: ....................................


Horses Welfare

Howmany horses are used by you/your company/organization?

VAR109 = VAR305

o None

o 1 - 3

o 4 - 6

o 7 - 9

o 10 - 15

o 16 - 20

o 21 - 30

o More than 31

Whoowns the horses?

VAR110 + VAR111= VAR255

o Private property of company

o Private property of AMAT/AAA employee(s)

o The client (s)owns the horse(s)

o The horse(s) is/are owned by a client and also used by other clients

o Other:

Howare the horses being housed?

VAR118 = VAR306

o Stables all the time

o At night in stable, at day in group in the meadow

o Group stable and paddock

o Isolated stable with paddock

o Stands all the time

o At night in stands, at day in a group in the meadow

o In the meadow all day and night with shelter

o Other: ....................................

Howdo you protect the welfare of the horse?

VAR119= VAR307

o We follow the standards of our company or organization

o We follow the national standards and believes

o We follow the standards of the FEI

o We follow the standards of our AMAT/AAA organization

o Other: ....................................

Howlong do you use a horse for a session? (one AMAT/AAA unit)

VAR127 = VAR308

o Till half an hour

o Half hour till 1 hour

o 1 hour till 2 hours

o More than 2 hours

o Other: ....................................

Howmuch break time does the horse get between the session as a minimum?

VAR128 = VAR309

·No break time betweensessions

·Less than half an hour

·Half an hour to one hour

·More than one hour

Howmany hours do you use a horse per day for AMAT/AAA activities as a maximum?

VAR129 = VAR310

·Maximum one hour

·Maximum 1 to 1 and a half hour

·Maximum 1 and a half to 2 hours

·Maximum 2 to 3 hours

·More than 3 hours

Howmany hours do you use a horse per week for AMAT/AAA as a maximum?

VAR130 = VAR311

·Up to one hour

·1 - 2 hours

·2 - 5 hours

·5 - 10 hours

·10 and more hours

Whatare reasons for stopping to use horses in AMAT/AAA sessions?

VAR131 = VAR312

o Health problems

o Mental problems

o Horse has bad hair day

o Horse does not like work any more

o Pregnancy of horse

o Horse does not like group of clients

o Relationship problems with horse has to be solved

o Weather conditions (heat, strong rain, strong wind, etc.)

o Other: ....................................


Activities besidesAMAT/AAA

Besides the activities the horse does for AMAT/AAA wewould like to know what the horse is used for. Also

we would like to know how the sessions the horseparticipates in are divided.

Arethe horses also used for other activities than AMAT/AAA?

VAR086 = VAR256

o No, besides the work for AMAT/AAA the horse is not used

o Yes, they are involved in riding

o Yes, they are involved in driving

o Yes, they are involved in ground work

o Yes, they are involved in lunging

o Yes, they are involved in leading

o Yes, they are involved in recreational riding

o Yes, they are involved in riding out

o Yes, they are involved in riding lessons

o Yes, they are involved in jumping

o Yes, they are involved in dressage competitions

o Yes, they are involved in jumping competitions

o Yes, they are involved in western competitions

o Other: ....................................


Would you like to give a description of the type of horseyou use for your work for AMAT/AAA

Whichbreed(s) of horse(s) do you use?

VAR123 + VAR124 = VAR257

o Local warm blood horse

o Pony

o Frisian horse

o Haflinger

o Fjord

o Tinker

o Arabian horse

o Shetland pony

o Welsh pony

o New forest pony

o Connemara

o Icelandic horse

o Quarter horse

o Cold blood horse

o Horse without papers

o Ponies without papers

o Other: ....................................

Doyou prefer a certain breed?

VAR125 + VAR126 = VAR258

o No

o Local warm blood horse

o Pony

o Frisian horse

o Cold blood horse

o Quarter horse

o Shetland pony

o Fjord

o Icelandic pony

o Haflinger

o Tinker

o Arabian

o New forest pony

o Connemara

o Horse without papers

o Pony without papers

o Other: ....................................


Page 10


Personal views on the developments of the field ofAMAT/AAA

Here we want to know from which sources you wininformation about developments on AMAT /AAA

measures for your work



Areyou tracking developments in the field of AMAT/AAA for your country and/orinternationally?


o I do not follow developments

o Regular training

o Intervision

o By internet

o Reading literature / journals

o Attendance of meetings / seminars / conferences

o Reading new publications, results of (scientific) research

o Intervision groups referring literature and research

o attending additional training by AMAT/AAA trainings organization

o Collegial visits within own country

o Collegial visits to other countries

o Other: ....................................

Wouldyou like to explain your previous answer?



Whatis your opinion about developments in your field?



Doyou know about training in your country focused on AMAT/AAA?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in thenext box)



Doesthese trainings connect to developments well?




·I don't know

Pleaseexplain your previous answer



Isa renewal or improvement of training in the field of AMAT/AAA necessary to you?



·Yes, namely (please give a description in thenext box)

·I don't know




Page 11


Problems in practicingAMAT/AAA

This information is important for us because we cancompare the problems suggestions and solutions between different countries. Sothat we can make useful suggestions in the report of our survey for theEuropean parliament.


Whatdo you consider important problems you meet while carrying out your professionin AMAT?AAA in your country

VAR157 = VAR276 Please name the three most importantones of this list

o Financing the sessions in AMAT/AAA for clients who need it.

o Not well known quality standards on AMAT/AAA

o A lot of concurrence practitioners and organizations

o Bad cooperation between organizations on AMAT/AAA

o No quality system

o National organisation is not enough supported

o National organization is not enough supporting practitioners

o Not enough money for clients who need it

o Bad cooperation with other helping professions

o Other: ....................................

Pleasegive more information on what you consider the biggest problem in carrying outyour profession in AMAT/AAA activities in your country.

VAR273 In which way is this problem influencing thequality and accessibility for the clients in need of AMAT/AAA activities.



Suggestions inpracticing AMAT/AAA


Doyou have any suggestions or ideas while carrying out your profession inAMAT/AAA in your country, where organizations ......... and/or the Leonardo daVinci project can add a useful contribution?



Doyou have any suggestions for financing AMAT/AAA sessions for clients in need ofthese activities. VAR274 As there are differentmodels in use within European countries and the different ideas aboutsuggestions for this topic we are very interested in your suggestions to betaken into account.



Isthere anything else on your mind regarding this subject, which might be helpfulto form the framework in AMAT/AAA and to be not forgotten in theproject-report.



Page 12


Report "A European qualification framework forpractice and training in AMAT/AAA"

Do you want us to collect the submitted contact datafor being in our data base on AMAT/AAA and/or to

receive the results of our project? Expected is thatat the end of July 2012 the project-report of this research will be available.


Doyou want to receive a digital version of the project-report and/or the results ofthis study?



·Yes, I want to receive the report of the LDVProject in July 2012

·Yes, I want to receive the results of thissurvey

·Yes, I want to be in the data base of the LDVAMAT/AAA group to be contacted about new activities

·Please use the email address below

